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Newcastle Airport is making significant strides in its terminal expansion, a project poised to transform the region’s aviation landscape. The vaulted roof and structural steel framework has taken shape, marking a pivotal milestone in this remarkable development.

During a recent site tour, Newcastle Airport CEO Dr. Peter Cock welcomed representatives from the Hunter Joint Organisation (HJO), including Chair Cr. Sue Moore, to witness the progress first-hand. The tour provided a behind-the-scenes look at the developments that are set to transform the region’s aviation landscape.

On track for completion by mid-2025, the terminal expansion will play a critical role in achieving Newcastle Airport’s vision to be 'the airport the region deserves'. The project has already seen substantial work on the concrete structure and underground baggage tunnels, with the focus now shifting to the installation of the structural steel and the impressive vaulted roof. By the end of the year, the terminal will be approaching lockup stage, with doors, windows, and a glass façade set to be installed.

The new glass façade is designed to flood the building with natural light, offering stunning views of the runway. Meanwhile, electrical works have commenced in the new substation, which will also power 1,236 new solar panels in the Premium Car Park, contributing over 30 percent of the airport’s future energy needs.

Hunter Joint Organisation Chairperson, Singleton Mayor Cr. Sue Moore, outlined the grand vision for the Hunter region, saying, “We’re aiming for the Hunter to be a globally connected and economically thriving city-region serving as an international gateway while providing its communities with a vibrant and unique lifestyle.”

The importance of this project extends beyond the Hunter region, with the Australian Government committing $55 million towards the new terminal and an additional $66 million to strengthen the runway, ensuring it can accommodate long-range civilian aircraft. This investment underscores the national significance of the terminal expansion, which will create a globally connected and economically thriving city-region.

Newcastle Airport’s terminal expansion is more than just a building project; it’s a cornerstone of regional growth, anticipated to generate over 4,400 jobs and drive $12.7 billion in economic activity over the next two decades.

Connecting Newcastle to the world.

Members of Hunter Joint Organisation with Peter Cock at the Newcastle Airport construction site

Newcastle Airport

Newcastle Airport is the gateway to Australia’s largest regional economy, with more than $43 billion annual output and 48,500 businesses. Jointly owned by City of Newcastle and Port Stephens Council, we are governed by an independent, skills-based Board of Directors.

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